Top 10 Reasons to Study in Canada:

1. Best Country To Live in According to United Nations Surveys
Several recent United Nations surveys have ranked Canada as the best place in the world to live. This assessment was based upon Canada's achievements in terms of educational attainment, life expectancy, national income and general quality of life. The appraisal took account of Canada's abundance of fresh water, comfortable population density,
low incidence of violent crime and a health care system that is a model for the world.

2. Internationally Recognized Degrees
A degree from a Canadian university is recognized world-wide and as a result, international students who graduate from Canadian universities enjoy successful and prosperous careers.  Canada boasts a wide range of quality educational insitutions ranging from community colleges to universities, and both private and publicly funded. Students are offered a vast range of educational choices in program areas ranging from aerospace engineering to zoology to business administration.

3. Welcoming Attitude Towards Immigrants
Rather than a melting pot (as in the United States), Canada is a cultural mosaic where the customs and traditions of many cultures are recognized, preserved and respected. Many Canadian post-secondary institutions view their international students as a key component of the "internationalization" of their campus, and therefore have set target enrollment percentages for international students.

4. Peaceful and Clean Country
Canada is known around the world as a peaceful, politically stable and safe country to live in. It's cities are remarkably clean. Canadians are environmentally conscious and are constantly making efforts to ensure excellent air and water quality.

5. Beautiful Natural Landscape
Canada, with its ten provinces and two territories, contains an overwhelming variety of natural beauty - from the majestic splendour of the Rocky Mountains to the stunning array of colours as the Ontario maple leaf trees change seasons. No matter where you live in Canada, interesting and breathtaking landscapes are usually just a short walk or bus ride away.

6. Lower Tuition Than Other Countries
Because Canadian tuition is highly subsidized by governments, Canadian tuition fees are among the lowest in English speaking countries. Housing and transportation are also reasonable priced in Canada. Students can travel inexpensively in Canada inter-city bus and train. Stand-by air travel is also reasonably priced.  

7. Excellent and Affordable Health Care
Services that the Canadian health care system provides are among some of the most advanced and accessible in the world. Two provinces (Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan) offer medical insurance to international students at no cost. International students can join the Alberta and British Columbia provincial health care plans for a charge of approximately $30-40 per month (single person). In the other provinces, private medical insurance can be acquired at moderate cost. It should be noted that medical insurance is essential.

8. Possibility To Work in Canada After Graduation
International students who have graduated from a Canadian university or college have the opportunity to work in Canada for up to one year after they receive their degree or diploma. International students can work on campus without a work permit. Plans are being made to allow international students to work off campus too.

9. Canada is Rich in Sports, Culture and Entertainment
In Canada, it is possible to live in a large cosmopolitan city, such as Vancouver, Toronto, Edmonton or Montreal and still be close to areas where you can go skiing, swimming, canoeing, hiking, cycling, sailing, camping or sightseeing. There is something for everyone, including cultural shows and recreational activities at little or no cost. Museums, seasonal festivals and a vibrant nightlife can also be enjoyed in all major cities.

10. Leaders in Language Training
For over a century Canada's two official languages (English and French) have been taught within the country as second languages which is why Canada is a world leader in language training. International students who are not proficient in English may take English language courses before beginning a regular academic program.


Enjoy the “big city life”? Want to live in a city that is rich in theatre, music, arts and culture? Study in Toronto, Ontario!
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Enjoy the excitement of a vibrant nightlife? Study in Montreal, Quebec!
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Can’t stand the cold? Want to go skiing, swimming and hiking all in one day? Study in Vancouver, British Columbia!
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Appreciate a sense of history and political intrigue? Study in Ottawa, Ontario!
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Want to study amidst the majestic Rocky Mountains? Study in Calgary or Edmonton, Alberta!
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