Once you have decided to come to Canada to study, there are many questions you may have, such as:

  • What happens at the immigration interview? How can I choose the best school? How will I find a place to live?
  • How much will it cost?

At StudyCan, our highly qualified staff will conduct an in-depth needs assessment to answer these questions for you and personally guide and assist you to make the proper choices.We will ensure that the process of becoming an international student in Canada is hassle free.

CLICK HERE to complete our online assessment form and receive a comprehensive response in 24 hours.


All you need to know about Canada – maps, tourism, weather, statistics and images.
Click Here

The Canadian Bureau for International Education provides a wealth of information for international students. (check out it’s link to DestinEducation)
Click Here

The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade provides info on financial assistance for international students.
Click Here

Government of Canada Website on Studying in Canada
Click Here

Health Canada updates on SARS
Click Here