StudyCan offers the following services to assist you in your transfer to Canada:

  • Assist you in choosing an educational institution that best meets your educational and financial needs

  • Acting as your educational agent, we will complete and conduct all correspondence with the school on your behalf (including Application Form)

  • Upon meeting our selection criteria, we will ensure that you will be accepted at the institution of your choice
  • Courier you the Letter of Acceptance

  • Advice on how to complete the Application for Student Visa

  • Advice on how to prepare yourself for the Immigration Interview

  • Arrange for clean, safe and transit accessible accommodation in Canada that suits your budget

  • Pick you up from airport, provide welcome package (maps, transit tickets, and other useful gift certificates) and transport you to your new home

  • Introduce you to local businesses, individuals and community groups from your home country to ease the integration process

  • Assist you with other initial settlement needs
The Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials advises individuals on what they need to do to have their credentials assessed and recognized in Canada, and refer them to appropriate institutions and organizations for specific assistance.
Click Here

The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada represents 93 public and private not-for-profit universities and university-degree level colleges across Canada.
Click Here